My Computer

Dennis Xiao' PC

2 object(s)


Dennis Xiao

A passionate and self-driven code ninja focusing mainly on the front end. Employed as a web developer for a range of companies from tech start-ups (RedEye Apps, Excite Holidays, uCool) and digital consultancies (Hinterlands) to international brands such as Study Group and China Telecom, with 10+ commercial projects delivered.

I eat code snippets for breakfast, lunch and even dinner if necessary. I breathe in transistors and dream in algorithm. I geek out over learning and my IDEs are permanently open on every device. The letters JAVASCRIPT embellish the heart that’s tattooed on my right shoulder. My favorite quote of all times, though, is “Life is short. You need Python” from Bruce Eckel. 🎉

Windows 95
Build 0626
This copy of Windows is not genuine
The Computer Programmer's Poem - Longest Poem ever written‎
Line 1: Reading poetry is a lot of fun
Line 2: Now go back to line number one
The End‎